
Donate tax-free to the Sexpower Foundation

The Sexpower Foundation has an ANBI status. This makes it more attractive for you to make donations or legacies to the foundation.

What is ANBI?

The Sexpower Foundation has an ANBI status, which means that we are a ‘Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling’ recognized by the Tax Authorities. This status requires that the foundation is at least 90% committed to the common good.

  • An ANBI does not pay inheritance tax or gift tax for inheritances and gifts that the institution uses for the public good.
  • If an ANBI makes donations in the public interest, the recipient does not have to pay gift tax.
  • An ANBI is eligible for a tax refund.
  • Volunteers who work for an ANBI make a donation to an ANBI under certain conditions.
  • Donors of an ANBI may, under certain conditions, deduct their donations from income or corporate tax.
  • For donors of cultural ANBIs, an additional gift deduction applies from 1 January 2012.
  • There are a number of data that must be published on the website of the institution according to the ANBI rules. You will find this information on this page.

Stichting Sexpower & ANBI

Our RSIN (Rechtspersonen en Samenwerkingsverbanden Informatienummer, previously tax number) is xxxxxxx.

Name of institution: Stichting Sexpower.

Other documents such as annual reports, multi-year plans, articles of association and codes of conduct can be found on the Publications page.