

Sexpower Foundation has decided to weaken the administration duty and all the additional extra costs that only bureaucracy serves.

Think, for example, about insurance, administration time, costs and organization. There is bizarre discrimination in this industry when it comes to getting simple things like a bank account.
We decided to fight this with collaboration. We joined forces with Seksworks. Their mission touches our pursuit of sexual freedom. This combined with the Brabant mentality makes us decide to be stronger together.
Stichting Klankbordgroep Seksworks stands for the empowerment of sex workers.
Sekswork is a sounding board group set up by sex workers in collaboration with the municipality of Tilburg. We are an enthusiastic group of (former) sex workers from Zeeland, Brabant and Limburg who stand for a better position for all sex workers.
After all, human rights apply to ALL people.

Please contact Stichting Klankbord Seksworks.