
Our mission

Sexpower Foundation is working hard to combat the stigma on sex work. In our opinion, work is work, provided it is cheerful and above all voluntary of course. We strive for an accepted place in society. This acceptance is necessary so that our sexual caregivers can do their job safely. This acceptance is also simply a human right. What we would like to see is that the sex industry can come out of their eternally ‘dirty’ corner. In the time of Corona, the word #skinhunger is more and more discussed. How important it is that contact can be ‘bought’. A service that has been there since life itself. Sex work for the disabled is already more accepted, but what if you are single. may be you still have to sort things out for yourself, just don’t want a relationship or are very shy. Who knows, you might want to experience or learn some things that you are afraid to speak of. Who determines who you can be? Everyone should determine that for themselves. I can name as many as 100 positive useful functions of sex workers.

Time to get them out of their hiding place so that they too can do their job safely.

We advocate safe workplaces, where it is certain that what belongs to the sex workers will also go to them.

How great would it be if that could be done through zero energy green workspaces. What if they could also be made by people who cannot find a job due to problems in the past.

Sex work is getting the much-needed recognition it deserves. Our sexual care providers deserve this new place in society.

Utopia? Maybe … But we are still working hard for it.

As a society we can be a bit more tolerant of each other.